Urinary Tract Infections and D-Mannose | Jash Botanicals

Have you noticed in the last hundred years that most of us are very cognizant of the germs that live with us—once in a while for the good, but more than often making us sick? Subsequent to extensive research, we have found that more and more diseases, including heart disease, are being traced back to a certain kind of bacteriological trigger, and a staggering amount of money is being spent to develop drugs to fight these germs. Ironically, we are increasingly sick—even to the point of dying.

Why is this happening? Most scientists and researchesr will tell you that the reason is that germs seem to be evolving into evermore drug-resistant strains. The bottom line is that the drugs get stronger, and so do the germs. Sadly, the antibiotic that cured us last year may not be as effectual this year.

Nowadays, we are exposed to all sorts of pathogens—bacteria, parasites, viruses—in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, and in our dealings with one another. The question is, how do we avoid the endless cycle of illness and stronger, more habitually prescribed drugs? That is where a simple sugar, which falls under the category of a natural alternative, comes into play.


The answer, is a naturally occurring simple sugar called D-mannose and is found in fruits like cranberries and pineapples. When you consume D-mannose, it is rapidly absorbed in the upper portion of the gastrointestinal tract, but a minute amount of the sugar is actually metabolized. Consequently, D-mannose does not affect blood sugar levels—which makes it safe for everyone, including diabetics.

What the researchers brought to light was that D-mannose is 10 times more active than the fructose in cranberries when it comes to hindering the adherence of the E. coli bacteria in the urinary tract. Now, if you can keep this form of bacteria from getting a foothold in the urinary tract, the greater part of infection may be eliminated.

I am sure you are familiar with E.coli, which can be a very wicked form of bacteria. Some of you might even remember back a few years ago when a mutant form of this bacteria contaminated hamburger meat and generated numerous deaths on the West Coast. Oddly enough, E. coli can be found in the human intestinal tract, where it is harmless. In the urinary tract, however, it causes massive problems.

As a matter of fact, when E. coli enters the urinary tract, it causes 80 percent of all urinary tract infections. In virtually all cases, the infection starts when bacteria originating in the vagina enters the urethra and travels into the bladder. This accounts for most of the urinary infections showing up in the female species rather than men. It also makes sense that many women experience bladder infections every time they have sex. Bladder infections are also called “cystitis” and are now commonplace in millions of girls and women across the country. Sometimes, the bacteria will continue to travel up from the bladder and end up in the kidneys. Unfortunately, it can then end up an infection, kidney damage, and finally, kidney failure that would necessitate a transplant.


If you have ever had a urinary tract infection, you all know what the doctor will prescribe—antibiotics. This has not been the idyllic situation, and for many reasons. Utilizing antibiotics has not only contributed to the problem of making bacteria resistant to antibiotics, but it frequently transforms a simple urinary tract infection into a chronic nightmare. The best case scenario would be that the beneficial bacteria flora in the intestines and vaginal area block harmful bacteria from forming and generating an infection. Unfortunately, antibiotics kill ALL bacteria, friendly and unfriendly, setting you up for the probability of more infections in the near future.


Here is how D-mannose avoids the above pitfalls. Once you ingest D-mannose and it is absorbed, it is rapidly filtered out of the system by the kidneys and then flushed out of the body in the urine. During this course of action, the sugar dislodges any E. coli bacteria present in the kidneys, bladder, and urethra. Given that the bacteria can not congregate and settle in the urinary tract, infections can not occur. In fact, researchers have documented many cases of rapid recovery from infections that were previously resistant to antibiotic treatments!

Remember that D-mannose is a simple sugar that does not interfere with blood sugar regulations, so it is safe for diabetics. It is also safe for small children and pregnant women. In simple terms, it flushes the bacteria out of the system in contrast to killing it, which circumvents the numerous drawbacks associated with antibiotics. Another plus in regard to D-mannose is that it is absorbed in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract and never reaches the intestines, so it will, by no means, disrupt the normal bacterial growth in that area. Lastly, although it is absolutely safe, it is rarely needed for more than 2-3 days.

The dosage recommended for a urinary tract infection is about ½ teaspoon every two to three hours. You should see a major improvement or even total recovery within 24-48 hours. In regard to severe kidney infections, it can take up to four days to clear up and may require a daily maintenance dose of ½ teaspoon or so. In addition, it would behoove you to accurately re-establish the body’s natural bacterial flora in both the colon and vagina. You can do this by using products like Bio-K (found in most health food stores’ refrigerated section) or Primal Defense which is in a pill form.